Friday, October 7, 2011

END of summer Bucket List - update

Well we have completed our Summer bucket List for the season!
Here are some highlights from the last few weeks of summer ! ( a little late I know... i forgot to hit publish on this page a month ago!)

Indian Pow-Wow at the Bostalsee

The kinders Had a great time! It was a bit small, But they were able to take their time to see all the neat displays... and do a craft.

The kinders made their own leather and seashell bracelts...

Lake Fun

Cardboard Box Challange!
This started out so fun! The kids were so excited, and we had some friends over to play...

                                    But then the RAIN came! And it poured and poured!!!! ...goodbye fun box day.

Zoo day!
We just went to our local zoo, the kids and I.

                                                                  It was a great afternoon!

KT learned to ride without training wheels this summer! She was so excited!

We had one last pool day with friends! It was such a great afternoon!

Goodbye Summer!


Fun Book Binder

Everyone has a stash of coloring books, maze books and other "fun" activity books for their kinders... Presents from Grandma, road trip left overs, costco specials,  etc....
I pick many up from yard sales and thrift shops because they are so inexpensive.

Then, what happens? Well in our house, out of sight out of mind. =) Even though my kinders love coloring, they are on the art shelf waiting to be colored and used... someday because one of us forgets they are there.

What about those printables online you want the kinders to do, but don't want to have random pages laying around... or you want to print but keep forgeting? That was ME!

So, I decided to make each kinder a FUN BOOK.

I took an empty notebook binder and a 3 hole punch and began taking each activity book apart by the binding and putting the pages into the binder.

          I labled the books on the sides, and then printed a personalized cover for the front of the binder.

Now, if I need to the kids to occupy themselves for a little bit.. All I have to say is "Go get your FUN book!"  When we leave the house and I know we have a Dr. apt or something that will require quiet patient kinders, all we have to do is grab our FUN book to go!

The kinders look forward to it, and they can choose anything they want to do in it. It's their choice. Sometimes I put it in the workboxes, and they love that too!

I made each kinder a Crayon roll to go with it... So easy to just grab it and Go! And their isn't a large mess on the dining room table, or in the van.

I also made the kinders reusable fabric covered notebooks. These are the mead compostition notebooks you can pick up for really cheap during the back to school sales.
I am learning to sew and have been enjoying making simple things for them. There are many tutorials online to make some fun notebooks for your kinders!

                                      One for JT. With a bag to carry his treasures around in. =)

                                                                Pen holders on some...

For the first week of school I gave each kinder their own notebooks and some new pen and pencils to keep in their workbox drawer. They were so excited! This cost hardly anything, and they can keep it for a very ...long...time!


Now, go make your FUN Book!
