Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Around the World part 4.. Netherlands

Yesturday some wonderful Friends of ours took us to the Netherlands for a Christmas market. We had a great day together! Our children get along so well, and it's always a blessing to see them on long adventurous days like this one.. still loving on each other. =)

I wanted to share with you the highlight of our day... This AMAZING
Sand sculpture Nativity.  It took my breathe away.... If you ever have a chance to visit, it's worth it!!!
Held in Wilominagrot in Vaulkenburg.

Here is the clan at the Entrance... Check out the Santa!

The Nativity was set inside a Cave. The lighting and everything was just perfect. You went from room to room to view each part of the Christmas Story.

Below, is Mary telling Joseph she is pregnant. ( a little late there if you ask me..)

                                                      Walking the road to Bethlehem.....


                                                                 No room in the Inn.....

                                              Wisemen and their camel ever!

                                                                   The Kinders and I...

We visited the Vaulkenberg Caves Christmas Market.  The decor was very well done. We enjoyed all the decorations and fun viewings of Santa's home.. =)

The shopping was not so great, totally differant than German christmas markets. Many items were mass produced instead of handmade... We did buy some treasures and will always remember our special trip!

                                         I love how the Dutch decorate! Every thing about it!

Christmas Around the World : Netherlands Unit Study Printables:

Boxes for Katjes- A story at christmas in Holland 

...Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Countdown to Christmas...What do we do?

Merry christmas!

Are you enjoying this Christmas Season? We are!

I have had so many things I would love to share the past month;"homeschooling" related... But I just didn't have time! And you probably don't have the time to read it either! =)

 Our days have been filled with everything except official "school" this season... but filled with many memories for the kinders... and I love that!

Lots of crafts, Christmas parties, movie nights, story time, and baking....

Here is what the Kinders and I have been up to the past few weeks..... In pictures!

Being part of the military means saying goodbye to dear friends even during Christmas time. Boo!

                      German  Christmas market.... Kinders had their first Cotton Candy. BIG treat!
Took the folks, and headed out to our favorite Market. This market is special because they have REAL camels for their Nativity. The Kinders even dipped their own candles.

                                                                     Isn't that so cool?

                                                              Beautiful Nativity scenes....

Bingo Night, with hot chocolate and mini prizes! Totally un-planned and SO fun!

                                                                    And For mama.....

I was finally able to make christmas quilts for the  Kinder's  beds this year. I have been wanting to do it for YEARS.... so excited! I also made pillows for our bed. I have made a few christmas gifts for the kinders as well (maybe I will share after christmas) , and other gifts for friends (the cute baby doll christmas set on the left) .

With all the quiet time in the evenings (lack of husband) I have been able to pull it off!

 Now all our rooms are totally decorated for this beautiful season...


We also did a little Needle felting. This was a GREAT craft for the kinders. I totally recommend it!
We started out with covering a simple foam cone.

This advent season we are doing daily lessons from Truth in the Tinsel.

We LOVE it!
The kinders look forward to the craft everyday, And they hold me to it! =)
25 Crafts....Simple lessons,  And each one from things you can find around your home. I highly recommend it!

                                Lots of Christmas parties.... And lots of goodies to share!

                                          I bought this from amazon.. it was alot of fun!
                                         The kids were AMAZED. You gotta get one!

                                        Just another one of those pointless...yet fun things!

We are also doing a 12 Days of Christmas Story countdown.

1 Story a night ... till Christmas...

I have carefully chosen each of the Christmas stories.
I ordered many from the Library (and some from amazon) and placed them each in a Fabric Gift bag (that I use for our Christmas gifts instead of paper) and placed them under the tree.
Each night they take turns picking a random package!
The stories have been perfect. We have found some to add to our permanent collection, and others that have brought tears to our eyes. And the deep conversations that come from them have been wonderful memories.

Many of these also tie in well for our "Around the world" Christmas lessons.

Here are the titles I have chosen:

                                                              amazon source list

After 18 months of being away from the family, my husband is coming home NEW YEARS DAY!

                                      Our family will celebrate Christmas when he returns!!

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Unit Study

Beautiful Fall days.....
 We have had such a beautiful fall here in Germany. I think it's one of the most colorful ever!

We have spent our days playing in the leaves out front. Making lots of piles to jump in, and watching our dog burry things in it!

                   Picking acorn caps, hunting for mushrooms, our feet shuffling along our daily walks...

Seems like as the fall comes, we feel so crafty in our house! We have taken up finger knitting again, and felt crafting. The kinders and I had some friends over and we made these adorable fabric acorns!

Each day we head out to our woods for a walk with our dog... Brinkley.He can run off leash so it's great exercise for everyone!
The kids were so excited when we found this bridge on one of our outings...

Psalm 31:19 How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.

This past week we invited some friends over for a little lesson on the First Thanksgiving!
Here are some things we did that I wanted to share!

               As the guests arrived, they were able to choose a costume to put on before they came in!

Here are our Pilgrims and Indians!

I read the story of Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving while the kids colored a picture. This is a wonderful story! One of our favorites.

We Talked a little about the Mayflower and some fun Facts. I gave each of the kids a Piece of candy that looked like a ROCK, to remind them of Plymouth Rock. =)

                      As they colored their Mayflower picture; I read a little bit from "On the Mayflower."

Afterwards it was time to head outside and stretch those little legs!!! We asked the kinders what 3 Things they would bring with them on the Mayflower...
Here is what they said : Blanket and pillows , Fabric, Food, Stuffed animals, furniture.....

So, Off we went to find out what in fact the Pilgrims did bring with them on the Mayflower!

The kids LOVED this!
They were very quick! 
What did they find?

Family heirlooms
Seeds for planting
Candles & Lantern

Then we spent the rest of our afternoon crafting!

We made little Corn Husk Dolls. It was so fun! We saved all the husks from the corn we picked in September , we soaked them in water and then laid them out to dry off a little and they were very easy to bend and fold....

All of our supplies were ready to go! We also made little Mayflowers out of paper bags, Popsicle sticks and paper ( I used dabs of play doh to hold the Popsicle sticks in place)... I totally made this up and I am sure their is a better way to make these!

Here is KT's Corn doll....

 Another great book the kinders and I enjoyed:
I made a gift bag for each Family to take home! I had some beige linen, and we cut the shapes out felt and sewed them on.  I was so proud of myself! =)
We filled it with homemade snack mix, and chocolate!

                                                                              Snack time!
I had seen these adorable tee pee cakes on Pinterest, but for some reason mine melted in the oven.. so this was our snack!

                                                                         Some more fun!

Something I am thankful for? I was able to fly and see my Husband in Korea for one week. I went without the kinders and came home a few days ago. We had a wonderful visit.  Here we are at the Seoul Lantern Festival ..Like the picture? =)

Thank you for visiting our Family, Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving week!

Psalm 145:7  They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.