Friday, August 24, 2012

Family update

Folks: We bought a home..... in Germany!  
Did you miss me? =)

We have taken the past few months to work on our new home. It was built in the 1960's and the second half of the house was added on in 2003. The house needs cosmetic work... Once we learned how expensive it is for labor here, we realized we would have to do most the work ourselves. (The bank gave us some remodeling $$ but it wasn't enough to do all the things to bring it up to date unless we did it ourselves)  In order to just move in we had to lay new flooring downstairs... and shortly after re-model the kitchen, and soon the bathrooms will be next.

My husband is not a carpenter... and has proved himself totally amazing during this time! I know that he does it only to see me happy. He probably would never do a DIY unless it was for me. =)

We have alot of land, play area, a chicken coop, greenhouse, trees, a huge built in covered Deck, 2 car garage, and a private driveway!
We looked for a year, and in the area we live, houses are very $$$ since it is close to the military installations, and you have to move further out to be able to afford a home.. We are only 25 min away from Town. It's PERFECT for us.

We also have an indoor (formally quail house) bunny house for our 2 new rabbits, 2 guinea pigs ( and now 4 just born baby rabbits) .  The house itself is just enough room for all of us, and a guest suite in the live in basement for family visits!

As time goes on, I will share the insides of our home.....So for now here is are some shots of our Kitchen... Before and after...
Ikea cabinets, and husband's handy work, granite flooring for counter tops and some second hand furniture finds.... we have a 20,000 kitchen for just 5,000!!!
(not fancy photos yet... just lived in and a bit unfinished =) 

Let the  postings begin! boy I have a ton of things saved up to share! =)
4 months is sadly to long to put off blogging... but I can't wait to share the rest of our life with you!

We start our BACK TO SCHOOL after Labor Day!!!  You know, I always participate in the Not back to school blog hop, and this year I just couldn't get my school room done in time... but it is ready now for us to start school... and that's so exciting!

Thank you for visiting!!!