Monday, February 7, 2011

What's in the Mail Box Today? Unit Study


This week was alot of fun, and also a short school week, we took 2 days off from school for my birthday boy! (mommy had to recooperate!) Here is a quick look at school this week.
Here, KT and JT making their Valentines... they love to paint!

This week, Since we were doing our Valentines Lapbook, and making valentines, it lead us to learning all about the Mail.... Where does it go once the post man gets it? How do we address an envelope? Why do we put a stamp on our mail?

So after we made their cards, we did a mini trip to our local post office ( being in Germany we use the military post office to mail our things to the states (we dont have anyone that picks up from our door). I had stamps already, but we went inside anyway, and they bought their stamps; then came back outside to drop them in the box. That's the most fun part! Right? =)
a great craft to do, that I didn't get a chance to this week is a Mail Center,
I would LOVE to buy Melissa and Doug's stamp and sort and I hope to add this to our Imagination Station soon : Personalized Mail Bags - Etsy

(lapbook ) Mailing me! click here

mini book on postage here

Love one another. 1 John 4:7

I gathered my printables from various sites, i have noted them when possible. A great resource is homeschool share! they Rock!! we wrote out and pasted in our lapbook above My address

Here I cut out a colorful blank notecard I had and pasted in the bible verse: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not parish; but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Here is our little book, "My heart; A book about feelings" funny, when it came time to fill in
the book, KT 's reponses had to do with Icecream most the time... I am happy when I have Icecream, I am sad when i DONT have icecream, I am angry when I CANT have icecream... very funny! She got her feelings down though! Ha Ha!
What happens to my valentine? This was great! My Kinders had to glue it in sequential order. This inspired our trip to the post office as well.
Above, I printed out Things we can do to show Jesus we love him and pasted into their lapbooks. This was from a blog and i can't remeber teh name I will fill it in when i get it. but it was a simple way to explain it to the kinders! ...... I then printed clip art of praying hands, a bible, and a heart to remind them that we can pray, and read our bible, and show love to others to show Jesus we love him.

During our study this week , was a heart to heart lesson on Guarding our hearts. I printed the heart lock coloring page from.. little blots of faith and I found this little lock and key around the house, and used it for our lesson.

I have always talked to my children about guarding our hearts. very often you will hear my children say to each other "guard your heart" as we walk past something in the store, or a tv show is on that is not good for them. This blesses me so much that JT is so sensitive to guarding his heart. They loved the lock! next time, I need two. =)

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23

Fix these words of mine in your hearts Deuteronomy 11:18

I have hidden your word in my heart, that i might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

Another heart-to heart lesson we had, was from christian preschool printables ....
I cut out a heart shape from a red envelope, and we sat down together with our bible, and talked about what it means to hide God's word in our hearts. They gave me things in God's word that they hide in their hearts, and I wrote them down on the white hearts that I had cut out, and they placed them in the big heart as we discussed it. there were so many wonderful lessons to choose from here!!!

Jesus loves the little children coloring page, and My valentine to Jesus
also not shown, Mailbox coloring page, and printable post card

we made Valentines Candy on friday. this was alot of fun, but a bit of a mess for Kt. =)
I bought this kit from Wilson's. It was perfect.

KT with her finished candies! And wearing her little mailman hat!

Part of JT's Studies this week was learning how to address an Envelope. This week since we had so many fun things for our Valentines lapbook, I displayed our toy mailbox and each day had our new lesson/craft inside. .. this was a fun idea for them.. and surprising for them to see what was next. =)
So in case you dont' know how to address an envelope, I was suprised to see a "how to" up at the post office. =)

Lapbook insert

Awww, showing "Love" and wearing their cute mail hats!

This was a funny book, the kinders really enjoyed, we read it several times. =) There are TONS of books on this subject, but since this was not a planned week Ididn't get any extra books (but I am going to try to hit the library for some this week) , but some great titles to consider are: Cranberry Valetine, Cordoury writes a letter, Mailing May, The post office book, the mail and how it moves, and The Jolly postman.
What's in the mailbox today? KT did this fun Mail Carrier Activity

I had her use our buttons to place on the matching "stamp" letter.

Here are some Heart pillows the kids and I have been making since december... They mailed them and gave them out to the family as a special Valetines. I loved making these. I will probably make
them all year long. They are fun, FAST, and gives you a quick sense of accomplishment. =)

Here are some Valentines Books we borrowed from our library. the kids weren't to interested in these though... the book "Valentines Day" was a good book about the holiday itself.

This weeks FAVORITE Titles from the library we will have to add to our collection someday
1. One Lonely Sea Horse
2. Tell me what it's like to be big
3. I.Q. gets fit
4. chicka Chicka boom boom

And this Series by Jacki Urbanovic is Hilarious! The kids absolutely LOOOOVE this! If you have time, you should add to your reading list. =)

1. The Empty pot ( this was a WONDERFUL Book on being honest)
2. zacks Alligator
3. Ms. Bitsy Bats Kindergarten
before I go, some other Valentine's Day- Mail Center resources were :
Enchanted Learning
valentine uppercase print cards
Mail carrier take home sight words
Mail carrier Sight word activity

We still practiced our reading, and our writing , and we managed to sqeeze out some good old play time! =) I am still reading 100 Top Curriculum Choices, and I am almost done planning for next year! phew!!! This is a wonderful book, it has really helped me choose, and decide how to homeschool... =) (thanks mom for recomending it!)
Have a Wonderful Week!

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