Monday, September 27, 2010

How to make an apple pie and see the world FIAR Study

 I know it's been a few weeks since my last post. I had some serious back problems, and was unable to do school or anything for a week. It was terrible. But I am doing so much better!  So, we spent 2 weeks doing our latest FIAR book, and continued on with our regular schedule and other subjects when I was able.

This book is so simple, yet so much fun! How to make an apple pie and see the world by, Marjorie Freeman.

The story begins with a young girl, that is about to bake an apple pie. 1st she needs the ingredients....

So she begins a trip around the world searching for each ingredient.

We traveled to England, Italy, France, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Vermont USA, and back home!

We used these  story sequence cards, I laminated, and we played a game looking for all the countries on our new yard sale find! This is a quantum leap globe, it tells you all kinds of cool facts, and plays the country theme songs etc... This globe is a ton of fun for us! Jamaica was Jt's Favorite...

Since there were so many countries to visit, and previously this year we have covered France and England, we focused mainly on Sri Lanka this time... where the cinnamon came from. We colored the country flag, located it on the map, I bought some cinnamon sticks, and we had tea... ( KT doesn't care for tea) and saved one for their lapbook. 

Then after I read the story I had them try to tell the story using these cards... it was really fun! And it was hard for them too!

KT also colored the seasons of the Apple Tree...

KT also practiced her numbers this week. I used these Kumon cards, and some fall manipulatives for her to do. we did match to the number on the front, and the dots on the back.

JT did some apple number fun  from enchanted learning.

 And I finally got to read a story from Sri Lanka from our stories from around the world book. yeah!
Here are their lapbooks, very simple... I just didn't get to do as much as I wanted... but it's a good intro to the countries!

And lastly our apple pie!! We made from scratch! The recipe was in the back of the book, and it was great!

                                                                    Tada!!! yum!!!

A few weeks ago, we added a new family member ! A Bunny!!!! (Rox, reminds me of your bunny years ago.) So far his name is Bun Buns.. none of can stop saying that when we talk to him... so I guess that's his name!

The kids love him, and he is alot of fun so far.

 We let him hop around the living room during school, and he is fond of hanging out near JT ....

And if a rabbit wasn't enough, a week later.... we inherited a hamster for free! with this adorable cage!
                                                  KT LOOOOVES him! Can't you tell?
                                                  His name is Super Hammy the Hamster!

........we are officially a homeschooling family now!!! =)


  1. Sounds so fun. My kids don't like Apple Pie and didn't want to make one when we read this book. Was quite disappointed. Hope your back feels better. That's not fun. :-(

  2. Oh my...this is what we are doing NEXT month...after Madeline!!! Thanks so much!!!


Thoughtful notes...