Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall Days Unit Study

Fall in Germany is upon us, and so beautiful this time of year....
It's been a few weeks now since I have posted. We have been enjoying nature walks, and any outdoor nature fun when we can.. Something about fall makes you want to get out and enjoy nature... collect leaves, sticks, chestnuts, acorns... we just love it!

Maybe this fall is even more special to us because this is finally the season that Daddy is returning!


Here is what we have been up to...

Every season I like to change up the home decor.. it's a hobby and I enjoy it!  This is our entryway.... BORING

it's been bugging me for a little over a year, and I wanted something fresh, so here it is now...

I moved the coat hooks to the other wall, and covered the paneling to brigthen up the entry way... not to bad!! =-) Turquoise is my new favorite color lately....

And here is a little spot to put our nature finds!

and of course into the dining room some more turquoise!

In order to help our mornings run more smoothly we set out our bowls and breakfast cups and spoons for cereal in the morning on the table. This helps with the banging of cabinets and the kinders fighting over  what bowl they are going to use etc... all before mommy makes her way downstairs. It works awesome! .

see my cute turquoise birdies? =)

and of course hand made throw pillows

and my little collection of owls and wooden clocks in the school room.. ( i am scared to death of 'em)  what's with the cute owl thing???; cheri... still part of the I hate birds club!)

and a little "love" in the school room.....
Okay, so enough of the decor, wanna see what the kids have been up to? =)

Here is KT playing checkers with daddy online... she cracks me up the way she is sitting!

going for bike rides....
JT playing "paper route boy"
kids playing seek and find games in their Fun books together!

KT and I made some "pretties" from some plain headbands a few days ago.. we hot glued beads, and ribbon etc... she llllooves them~

Here, mommy being a bit crafty with the sewing machine... I added some fun to her hoodie sweatshirt, and matching headband to go with! sewed on some flowers and accents on the hood. (not so great pic of it)
we also made a woodland forest for their toys... we glued and glued... and came up with this little set up. a Broken flower pot of their house, wood chips, peat moss, faux mushrooms, pine cones... a perfect little forest...

Made the kids some crayon rolls for their art time. They love them. And it's great to just grab and go with their Fun books when we have to head out.

We visited our favorite Fall Festival.....

And of course they had to do the Corn Maze... Daddy always goes in... but we made do this time!

Our seed to Sunflower has finally opened up!!! This was BIG news! we started it as a little seed in the house several months ago.. and here is JT's.

He is so Proud!
A Catapillar in the fall? what? After some internet research we discovered he is a giant moth from England. =)
Great timing for his poem of the Catapillar by Christina Rosettie in his First language lessons memorization. =)

KT loving her Geosafari... and she is practicing her 3 letter words!
some fall books on our shelf for reading time...

I just got this book a few months ago. I am looking forward to reading these to the kinders. Have you read it? any thoughts?

speaking of nautre books, I  just got this in the mail the other day. I have heard nothing but great things, excited about using it with JT's reading time.

We also went on a Field trip with the homeschool group to Sunshine Pumpkin farm. It was a wonderful outing!
We learned all about the life cycle of the pumpkin, and looked for the differant stages out in the field... here are the flowers....

the beginings...

So fun!

It was located on a small German farm, so we visited many farm animals.. and the chickens were the hit of the day. KT loves catching them! JT not so much.. and mommy? NO THANKS! Here is KT with her sweet friend.....
we recently joined the homeschool Co-op for Game day. The kids get to play all kinds of games that they normaly need more than two or three players.. and they are having so much fun! It's a great break for them, and i love that they can run and play outside...It's hard to have one more thing outside the house during the week, but this is good for them.  Currently we are doing Tuesdays Co-op in the AM Wed nights Martial Arts, and Thursday AM mommy bible study at church.... so that's 3 days a week out and about... not including church on sunday and family week dinner. So we are staying busy this season! =)

KT and I have been working on her numbers, I found these great little crafy wooden leaves... a little workbox fun!

What have you been up to this fall? I would love to hear from you. Have a wonderful weekend,

here are some great links that have inspired me, crafts I plan on doing with the kinders etc...  this Fall Season:


  1. Once again your wonderful pictures bless my heart! I love fall in Germany, I love Christian Liberty books, I love your adorable kids, I love your zest for life....and I love that Mark is coming home soon! May our Lord continue to bless your days...because of Him - Roxanne

  2. Your pictures are just beautiful. I love the wonderful activities you do with your little ones and the gorgeous scenery. Thank you for sharing. You are such a blessing to all of us.


Thoughtful notes...