Friday, November 5, 2010

Guess Who's Home...

What a fun day, getting ready for the Big daddy in our lives!
Nothing like having 2 kinders waking you up at 5am to tell you they are ready to go get him, knowing he isn't due till the afternoon!!!
Here they are making some signs....

Here we are...dinkin around at the airport.....

waiting....... and waiting.... (it was late)

 watching the planes come and go....

Then we waited some more outside.....


So happy, and ready to be a family for a little while..... Thanks for all your prayers, and please continue to pray as we get re-adjusted for the next few weeks....
The kids were so excited, the first thing they wanted to do when they got home was wrestle. =)
I have a feeling they won't be leaving his side anytime soon.....  =)

Thank you Jesus!


  1. I am so happy for you guys...that first glimpse is amazing isn't it? Enjoy the bliss!! :)

  2. Your pictures brought tears to my eyes... God is good! Enjoy your time together.

  3. I am so happy for you all! Enjoy your time! I forwarded the Stylish Blog award onto you. See it here:

  4. Your post made me cry too! So happy for ya!


Thoughtful notes...