Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year...

New Years Eve...we said goodbye to the Man in our lives..... The Encourager, The joker, the best pancake maker, the best sledding buddy, the trash taker-outer, the protector, the best friend, the most fun movie buddy....and in our opinion; the most devoted family guy you will ever meet..... for one year. (insert crying here)

Here are some pictures of our last night together!

For fun, I took a picture of the German grocery store flyer of the adds they have for fireworks! =) We always got a kick that you can buy these MEGA fire works right in your local food store! =) and Cheap!

First, a night on the town... Dinner at Macaroni Grill... Yum!

Then Fireworks, and sparklers!

You wouldn't believe how the entire German sky lights up with fireworks at midnight...and it goes on for a good 15-20 min straight on our street, almost every single house is doing mega fireworks... if you can imagine... ... it's an amazing sight!!!

Then, Super Yummy treat..... and a Family Movie!  =) 

This is KT's very FIRST time EVER writing anything on her own free will.. well writing anything at all, she has her school book ( HWOT- ) but nothing informal that she just picks up and writes.... She made this for Daddy to our amazement for him to take with him... and it was so cute!!! Now that I know she is ready to write......=) Just kidding.... I will still let her be a preschooler! =)

This week we started school....... *sigh* But it's good to try to start our routine again.....

We are doing our Five in a Row Study.....  Very Last First Time, By Jan Andrews...

Have a wonderful week!



  1. Happy New Year. I am sorry your husband had to leave for so long. Please know you and your family will be in our prayers. We have family members who are also in the military and so we understand how hard it must be to be separated for so long. Happy homeschooling and thank you again for sharing all your lovely pictures and ideas.

  2. What a lucky guy!!! He must be really lucky to have such a wonderfull family... :) Great Blog post... I miss you guys sooo much!!!

    - Mark

  3. A year? How can you do that (ie how can you survive!?), really? One year?

    That must be so tough!


  4. Praying for you guys! Seems like you will do great filling your home with happy times while your man is away serving (thank you for that, too!). Your family is beautiful!

  5. You are such a good mother. Sorry your man has to leave for a year. I can only imagine how hard that must be for everyone. MY husband has stationed in Germany as well. That was before we met.

    The quilt was Awesome!

    Hang in there and Happy New YEar. I enjoy your blog.

  6. I've got to agree with do you do it for a year? My hubby just got back after a 11 day trip to Haiti, and I'm not sure I could have taken much more of him being gone. You are such a hero...and you homeschool and do so many creative things with your guy gone. Wow.


Thoughtful notes...