Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our School Room 2011-2012

                  Its the "Not" Back to School Blog hop over at Heart of the Matter online this week!

To see our School room Last year with MORE ( unit study table, reading center, craft space etc) details Click HERE:

This year as I made some changes becuase I had to add a few more workboxes. So here is the newest set up ! **Please note I scraped everything off the table and moved it to the dining table to take these photos! =) keepin it real...

I bought wooden letters for each of the kinders workboxes. Aren't they nice?!!

Lapbook supply basket, and blank paper bin on top of the workboxes make it easy to put away and grab when needed.

My bookcases... hold all the books we are using this year.

All our read alouds for the year are stored here, along with our FIAR binders:

I collect these wooden kinder clocks... they are so colorful !


Since I had to rearrange for the workboxes, I had to take all our nature photos down, and for now they are on the window sill... the nature table below it.

We love having an open space to put our nature collections. We have all our nature books on the bottom shelf.

A rock display area....


The living room bookcase... and reading center in the left corner....This is where all the kids books are.

I use these baskets for thin books, it makes it easier to put away when they are done.

                                                  I have this table on the right, with books too!

This was the best thing I hung! I cut a shoe holder for the door and hung it with nails next to my desk. It holds all the "stuff" that ends up on the desk... camera, iphone, ipod..now when i charge things at the computer, i just drop them in the holder so my desk is free. =) I covered teh back with fabric.. and I love it!

Our Fun Trash Can! =) it's a mop bucket.

my station.. printer, 3 hole punch, and laminator.

                                  My workboxes hold all our manipulatives and fun stuff for school.

A new addition to our Schooling at home: The "If Then chart" By Doorposts. We love it! I finally framed it, and hung it up at kinder level.... We have the large poster.


Craft Room: Before used to be our learning center in the basement.. But now we turned it into our Craft space, as the kids are really into it lately.... I did this by re-using what I had. I only paid for the plexi glass on the table top. =)

We start school soon, and  I am getting (making) some fun back to school supplies and things together!
I hope to share them soon!

Be sure to visit the "Not " back to school blog hop this week for school room ideas!


Thank you for visiting our Home "school!"

Have a wonderful Week!!


  1. I love your rooms - so bright and cheery. And it's great that you have a separate area for crafts!

  2. Wow, how awesome! I love so many things but my favorite is the yellow bookcase! :)

  3. Your space is amazing!!! It makes me want to go work in mine so I can join the hop too! lol


  4. Love all your colors -- and the nature table!!

  5. Beautiful space!! We have a lot of the trofast bins too. They are just wonderful.

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! I want to come play in your craft room!!

    Tiffany @ teaching2manydiligently.blogspot.com

  7. you're room is great! it's my favorite that I've seen so far!!! you make me want to repaint my furniture in fun, bright colors!!!

  8. i LOVE your space!! my fav is the yellow piece of furniture!! lovely!

  9. Wow. That's about all I can say. (Good grief.) Wow.

  10. I love your space, and colors, and owls- I have an owl theme on my blog :)

  11. Amazing space! Everything is so bright and cheery - I just love the colors!

  12. I am a homeschooling mom and blogger for TLC's parenting website www.parentables.com. I am looking to put together a piece about cool homeschooling rooms and came across your post. Can I have your permission to use your photo and feature your room in an upcoming slideshow? I will add a link back to your site and credit your work.

    Thanks for considering this opportunity. If you are interested please email me at mrsmartinezteaches@gmail.com



Thoughtful notes...