This past week we rowed the book Caps For sale by Esphyr Slobodkina.
It was one of the kids Favorites!
First let me share some great news!
Most of you know being in the military, you go where they send you. Our time in Germany (the past 6 years) has been wonderful. Our time to move on is coming in December.. We really want to stay here in Germany, and had put down several places on our "dream sheet" last week.. to include, Germany, Hawaii, (one year remote alone to turkey, and one to Korea ) ... if you get Korea or Turkey, you get to choose after that Well, we got Korea. The news came quickly. We heard right away. Which is great since it can take months to find out.

We plan on visiting him a few times during that year, and he will get to come home once. So that is a Praise! We will ask for Germany, and will know if we get that in the next few months. I am so grateful that I have family here to help me this time.
We shared the news with our family over our weekly Wednesday night dinner...

Last week the kinders got new helmets and knee pads.
Here, they are both learning to play the piano. No pecking!!!

After a big day at Yaba Doo; the indoor play park with daddy... she fell asleep on the way home. This is Kt's most favorite place to go!
Kt rocking her baby... (how does she know how to do that stuff? Girls!) See her cute ribbon? Thanks Diane for sending them!!!!! =)
Okay, well on to our School week, or what was of it... we hardly have done much I feel the last few weeks... Kt & Jt are down with the cold again. That makes for some grumpiness .
Here is our Caps for Sale lap book. I have to say their isn't much to really lap book about for this book, but it was still fun! We did things that weren't really in the paper form this week.
Here I printed and did a small page on Van Gogh's painting for their book.
I also looked up photos of different peddlers. We printed them out, and cut and pasted them into a little booklet. Kt colored the front of her page.
These were alot of fun to look at! The kids loved it! JT wants to be a flower peddler, so he can smell all the flowers in his truck while selling them.. =) Kt says she wants to be a toy peddler.
The next few pages for our lapbook were from here .
We did lots of counting with KT, and I wrote the numbers in for her.
One activity for "Caps for sale" :was to find all the hats in our house (this took a good 15 minutes). Then we took turns stacking them on their heads to see who could get the most on their head without them falling.
Jt wins with 12~! They loved it!
Kt drew here first tree all by herself last week! Yeah! Not to shabby for 3.
We are continuing with drawing simple objects with JT. We borrowed this book from the library. It's alot of fun!

Here's a bright Idea! I am sooooo tired of telling our kids to turn off the lights in their rooms! every time I walk past their rooms, I get soooo frustrated. So yesterday I printed off a picture of a light bulb, laminated it with tape, and hung them from a string in front of their bedroom door at the level that hits their face when they walk out. I hope this will help them to remember to turn off that light!!!!!
New Game!!!
The kinders with daddy last night at Kuk Sool Wan. They tested for their 1st tiger stripes.
What do I do when I am sad? stressed? looking for something to take my mind off things?
I re-arrange, I paint, I make changes to something in our home! I don't know why, but it helps me to work through things. With our family news, I guess this is how I mentally escaped. This is my chameleon piece, I have painted this thing like 4 times. Now I am going for a summery beach look in the living room for this upcoming season. I am very happy with the color! I am usually a taupe, and red girl but this is a nice new change.

I picked up these little Ikea coffee tables second hand ($10), that were SOOO low to the ground I didn't know what to do with them (those European coffee tables) ... I decided to put them together, and make a little kinder area. So far, it's great for playing with their toys like playmobil, pet shop pals etc.. but they spend alot of time coloring in here. Look at those cute "kooshies" Grandma made them for Christmas a few years ago. They are still the kids favorite seating.